The purpose of this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, “Policy”) is to regulate the personal data processing activities carried out by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT S.L. (hereinafter, “LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT”) through the Land of Goals Game (hereinafter, the “Game”).

Who is the data controller for your personal data?

Your personal data will be processed by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT, with CIF (tax identification no.) B42958694 and address at Calle Torrelaguna 60, 28043, Madrid. 

LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT’s Data Protection Officer contact:

Where do we get your personal data from?

LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will process the data which you provide via the access form (favourite team and nickname), as well as other data inferred as a result of your use of and activity within the Game (registered user ID; device ID; advertising ID or Mobile Advertising ID – MAID; identifier for the provider of the service provided through the Game; identifier for advertisers – IDFA – which permits the identification of your device in order to track your activity in LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT assets; operating system; device model and telemetry, for example, when you click on certain content or the time you remain active will also be recorded) or your interactions with communications which we may send you via push, in-app or email notifications, as applicable (for example, clicking on the content of a communication). Likewise, if you consent, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will process your geographical position data of the terminal.

We inform you that in the iOS version of the Game, Apple will ask your permission for the use of the advertising identifier of your device (“IDFA”) by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT for any of the purposes which may require it, in accordance with the section Why do we process your personal data?of this privacy policy.

Importing data from social networks

We hereby inform you that you will be able to use the social media profiles you hold in order to sign up to or access the Game, as well as to share with LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT additional information on the profile you have on said social media. 

Data shared via Google:

  • Name and surnames (Required to register)
  • Email address (Required to register)

Data shared via Apple: 

  • Apple ID or email address (Required to register) 
  • Name (Required to register)

In this regard, we inform you that LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT is not responsible for the legal adequacy of the social network you use for the aforementioned purposes. For this reason, we recommend that you review the conditions of use and privacy policy of the social networks that you are going to use for these purposes so that you can verify that the treatment carried out with your personal data is in accordance with your expectations of privacy and the data protection regulations that may be applicable in each case.

Once the data has been imported and incorporated into your Game user account, your data will be processed by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Why do we process your personal data?

Main purposes:

  • Registering and accessing in the Game: Registering and accessing in the Game: We inform you that the personal data you provide in the registration form will be processed by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT for the purposes of facilitating your access to the Game, managing your participation in it, as well as registration where applicable.

Likewise, in order to verify the validity of the email address provided to LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT to register for the Game, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT uses the services of a third-party provider (RP Solutions Inc.) that involves an international transfer of personal data to the United States, country that guarantees an equivalent level of protection to that provided within the EU for personal data transferred from Europe to third-party providers ubicated in the United States and are adhered to the Data Privacy Framework. LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT’s third party provider is among these providers.

The legal basis for the aforementioned purposes is that the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract in which the interested party is a party by virtue of the provisions of art. 6.1 b) of the General Data Protection Regulation. The necessary and essential data for the access to the Game is your nickname and your favourite team. Also, if you register in the Game, your email address and your name and surname will be mandatory data to fulfil the registration. If you do not provide said data, you will not be able to enjoy the services requested. 

  • Exclusive content and use of geolocation data: To unlock certain exclusive content of the Game, it is necessary to process your device’s geolocation data to locate you where the promotion is active. The Game application will collect, in real time, data related to your location with a precision of up to 3km with the sole purpose of placing you within the radius defined for activation and in this way being able to unlock the exclusive content of the Game. In this way, we recommend only enabling geolocation when you are within the promotion area, deactivating it when you leave said area.

The legal basis for the processing of your data for the aforementioned purpose is the consent that you have given us for the processing of your data for the specific purposes selected by virtue of the provisions of art. 6.1 a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Your personal data will be kept for this purpose until you revoke the consent granted.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time following the procedure described in the What are the user’s rights when providing us their personal data?” section, this does not affect the legality of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal. Likewise, you can modify your preferences regarding your location and deactivate geolocation through the configuration panel of your terminal.

  • In-app notifications related to the Game: In the event that you access the mobile application of the Game, you may receive in-app notifications relating to the Game (for example, about changes to the privacy policy, legal notice or terms and conditions of use of the Game, etc.). You can stop such communications being sent at any time through the Game’s “notifications centre”. These notifications are only shown when the mobile application is open and we will use your user ID to send you the notification.

Likewise, in order to verify send this notifications, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT uses the services of a third-party provider (PlayFab) that involves an international transfer of personal data to the United States, country that guarantees an equivalent level of protection to that provided within the EU for personal data transferred from Europe to third-party providers ubicated in the United States and are adhered to the Data Privacy Framework. LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT’s third party provider is among these providers.

The legal basis for the aforementioned purposes is that the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract in which the interested party is a party by virtue of the provisions of art. 6.1 b) of the General Data Protection Regulation. The necessary and essential data for the provision of these services within the Game are user identifiers. If you do not provide such data, you will not be able to receive the necessary communications related to the Game.

  • Push notifications about the Game: In the event that you access the mobile application of the Game, you will be able to receive push notifications relating to the Game via the regular notifications system of your Smartphone or Tablet. You can stop such communications being sent at any time through the Game’s “notifications centre” or through the settings on your Smartphone or Tablet. These notifications may be shown on your device whether you have the mobile application open or not and we will use your user ID to send you the notification. 

Likewise, in order to verify send this notifications, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT uses the services of a third-party provider (PlayFab) that involves an international transfer of personal data to the United States, country that guarantees an equivalent level of protection to that provided within the EU for personal data transferred from Europe to third-party providers ubicated in the United States and are adhered to the Data Privacy Framework. LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT’s third party provider is among these providers.

The legal basis for the aforementioned purposes is that the processing is necessary for the satisfaction of the legitimate interest of LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT by virtue of the provisions of art. 6.1 f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, consisting in achieving greater use of the Game through notifications about matches, about the start of matches, results, goals, cards or any other event that occurred during the match, or about a new Game’s functionality. Before doing so, we inform you that LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT has carried out a proportionality analysis between its legitimate interest and the rights and freedoms of its users. You can request the conclusions of this analysis through

You have the right to object to the aforementioned purpose at any time in accordance with the procedure described in the section “What are your rights when you provide us your personal data?”. 

  • Internal reports: Furthermore, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will process in aggregate form the personal data which you supplied during registration (in this case, favourite team), usage data of the Game (user ID, device ID (IDFA or if applicable, IDFV), device model, operating system and telemetry, for example, clicking on certain content or the time you remain active) and finally, interactions with communications of any type which you may receive (for example, clicking on the content of a communication), for the preparation of relevant metrics and statistics which allow LALIGA to analyse the use made of the Game by different user segments which are generated and the impact of its campaigns, evaluating the interest which they have generated among the aforementioned segments based on the data analysed. In particular, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will carry out aggregated segmentations based on the aforementioned data, which include:
    • Segmentations based on favourite tea. (e.g. 20 users have selected X team as their favourite team).

The legal basis for the aforementioned purposes is that the processing is necessary for the satisfaction of the legitimate interest of LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT by virtue of the provisions of art. 6.1 f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, consisting of extracting lessons from the information provided and obtained from users that allows you to improve the Game and optimize the communication campaigns carried out based on the interest that these generate among the different groups of users. users. Before doing so, we inform you that LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT has carried out a proportionality analysis between its legitimate interest and the rights and freedoms of its users. You can request the conclusions of this analysis through

You have the right to object to the aforementioned purpose at any time in accordance with the procedure described in the section “What are your rights when you provide us your personal data?”.

Use of the Identifier for Advertisers (“IDFA”) on iOS (Apple) devices

Use of the IDFA for the “Internal reports” purpose requires the user tracking permission within Apple’s iOS operating system. In the event that the user has not given their permission for the use of the IDFA, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will not be able to carry out this purpose using the IDFA of the device. 

The user may accept or reject the tracking permission at any time in the iOS settings of the user’s Apple device.

Additional purposes

If you give us your consent, the additional purposes for which LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will process your personal data are provided below:

  • LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT commercial communications: So that LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT can send you commercial communications via email, push or in-app notifications, SMS or other instant messaging channels about its activities (the competitions it organises, campaigns, public viewings, shows or live events), products (apps, online platforms and games developed by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT), services, competitions, offers, draws and/or promotions run by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT. 

For this purpose, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will only process your email address, user ID and, if applicable, your favourite team you provided us with on the registration form. 

Furthermore, we inform you that in order to send you marketing communications via email, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT uses the service of a third-party provider (Twilio and PlayFab) that involves an international transfer of personal data to the United States, country that guarantees an equivalent level of protection to that provided within the EU for personal data transferred from Europe to third-party providers ubicated in the United States and are adhered to the Data Privacy Framework. LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT’s third party provider is among these providers. 

The legal basis for the processing of your data for the aforementioned purpose is the consent that you have given us for the processing of your data for the specific purposes selected by virtue of the provisions of art. 6.1 a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Your personal data will be kept for this purpose until you revoke the consent granted.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time following the procedure described in the What are the user’s rights when providing us their personal data?” section, this does not affect the legality of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

  • Simple profiling: So that LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT can send you segmented commercial communications via email or other instant messaging channels about LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT’s products and services (for example, we will send you commercial communications about products that may interest you based on the age or region of residence that you have indicated on your profile).

The aforementioned information is aimed at simple segments (groups of users created based on the information provided by them in their profiles) which LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT may prepare taking the following into consideration:

  • Limited level of detail of the profile. LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT may create simple segments such as, for example, segments for women over the age of 25.
  • Non-exhaustive profile. To create the segments, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will only process the personal data which you have provided on the current website or on other LaLiga Ecosystem assets. In particular, LALIGA will use the following personal data:
    • Favourite team
  • Positive consequences for the user. LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will be able to send you marketing communications that best match the profile that you have declared, avoiding marketing communications which are not desired or about content which is of little interest.

The legal basis for the aforementioned purpose is that the treatment is necessary to satisfy the legitimate interest of LALIGA by virtue of the provisions of art. 6.1 f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, consisting of effectively taking advantage of the personal data that the user has provided to achieve greater interest and return of the communications sent. Before doing so, we inform you that LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT has carried out a proportionality analysis between its legitimate interest and the rights and freedoms of its users, the conclusions of which you can request via

You have the right to object to the aforementioned purpose at any time in accordance with the procedure described in the section “What are your rights when you provide us your personal data?”.

In no case will the profiling carried out by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT produce legal effects or significantly affect you in a similar way.

  • Preparation of exhaustive profiles: LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will draw up an in-depth profile of you so that it can offer you personalised products, information and experiences through personalised commercial communications sent via email, SMS or other instant messaging channels, send you personalised push or in-app notifications (provided that you have given consent for the “LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT commercial communications” purpose) or display banners with personalised advertising on websites, apps and social media about LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT’s products and services (for example, if we identify that you are a supporter of a specific club, we will offer you personalised incentives, such as your favourite team’s football shirt).

In this way, the aforementioned information will be directed to the segments (user groups that are made according to the information obtained from them or how you use the Game) that we can create based on the following data sources:

  • The information which you provide during registration (in this case, favourite team);
  • Interactions with communications or notifications which you receive (for example, clicking on the content of a communication);
  • Data inferred as a result of use of and activity on the Platform (device ID, registered user ID, device model, operating system and telemetry, for example, clicking on certain content or the time you remain active).

Furthermore, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will generate these segments taking into account the following profiling techniques:

  • Optimisation of campaigns: we will exclude you from advertising campaigns about prize draws which you have participated in, about applications for which you have registered or which you have downloaded, about products which you have purchased or about services which you have previously acquired (for example, we will avoid offering you a LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT app if we know you have previously downloaded it)   
  • Users with similar likes and preferences: thanks to the profile which LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT creates about you, we can send you personalised content taking into account other profiles similar to yours (for example, if we identify that other users similar to you like eSports, we will show you advertising related to eSports).

The legal basis for the processing of your data for the aforementioned purpose is the consent that you have given us for the processing of your data for the specific purposes selected by virtue of the provisions of art. 6.1 a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Your personal data will be kept for this purpose until you revoke the consent granted.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time following the procedure described in the What are the user’s rights when providing us their personal data?” section, this does not affect the legality of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

In no case will the profiling carried out by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT produce legal effects or significantly affect you in a similar way.

  • Communications from the investors and partners of LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT (these being LALIGA Group International, S.L., Kosmos Entertainment, S.L. and Port Aventura Entertainment, S.A.U.) to send you commercial communications about their products and services by any means, including electronic. 

The legal basis for the processing of your data for the aforementioned purposes is the consent that you have given us for the processing of your data for the specific purposes selected by virtue of the provisions of art. 6.1 a) of the General Data Protection Regulation. Your personal data will be kept for these purposes until you revoke the consent granted.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time following the procedure described in the What are the user’s rights when providing us their personal data?” section, this does not affect the legality of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

How long will we keep your personal data for? 

The personal data which we process will be stored for such time that the purposes which motivated their collection persist and/or you do not revoke the consent which you have given, or you do not exercise your rights of erasure, objection or restriction of processing.

Once this period had elapse, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will keep your personal data duly blocked for the sole purpose of addressing any kinds of responsibilities that could arise. 

  • Registering and accessing in the Game: The data provided for registration and access in the Game will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists and, once it has ended, during the limitation period of legal actions that may arise from it. 
  • Exclusive content and use of geolocation data: The geolocation data will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists, you do not object to the given consent and, once this purpose it has ended, during the limitation period of the legal actions provisions that may arise from it.
  • In-app notifications related to the Game: The data provided for in-app notifications related to the Game will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists and, once it has ended, during the limitation period of legal actions that may arise from it.
  • Push notifications about the Game: The data provided for push notifications about the Game will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists, you do not object their sending and, once this purpose it has ended, during the limitation period of the legal actions provisions that may arise from it.
  • Internal reports: The data provided for internal reports will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists, you do not object their processing and, once this purpose it has ended, during the limitation period of the legal actions provisions that may arise from it.
  • LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT commercial communications: The data provided for LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT commercial communications will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists, you do not object to the given consent and, once this purpose it has ended, during the limitation period of the legal actions provisions that may arise from it.
  • Preparation of simple profiles: The data provided for preparation of simple profiles will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists, you do not object their processing and, once this purpose it has ended, during the limitation period of the legal actions provisions that may arise from it.
  • Preparation of comprehensive profiles: the data provided for the preparation of comprehensive profiles will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists, you do not revoke the consent granted or you restrict the processing and, once this purpose has been fulfilled, during the limitation period of any legal actions that may arise from it.
  • Preparation of exhaustive profiles: The data provided for preparation of exhaustive profiles will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists, you do not object to the given consent and, once this purpose it has ended, during the limitation period of the legal actions provisions that may arise from it.
  • Communications from the investors and partners of LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT (these being LALIGA Group International, S.L., Kosmos Entertainment, S.L. and Port Aventura Entertainment, S.A.U.): The data provided for communications from the investors and partners of LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT (will be kept as long as you do not request the deletion of your data, this purpose persists, you do not object to the given consent and, once this purpose it has ended, during the limitation period of the legal actions provisions that may arise from it.

Said personal data will be deleted when such period of time expires.

To which recipients will your personal data be communicated?

If you have consented, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT may share your personal data (name, surname, email and favorite team) to the following entities so that they can send you commercial communications through any electronic means:

  • LALIGA Group International (“LALIGA”) with NIF B05421805 and address at Calle Torrelaguna 60, 28043, Madrid. You can obtain more information about the data processing carried out by LALIGA here.
  • Kosmos Entertainment, S.L. with NIF B67477745 and address at Calle Beethoven 15, 6º, 08921 Barcelona. You can obtain more information about the data processing carried out by Kosmos Entertainment, S.L. Here.
  • Port Aventura Entertainment, S.A.U., with NIF A63776306 and address at Avenida Alcalde Pere Molas, km2, Salou/Vilaseca Highway, Vila-seca Tarragona. You can obtain more information about the data processing carried out by Port Aventura Entertainment, S.A.U. here

Likewise, LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT may supply the personal data and any other information about the user when required to do so by public authorities exercising the duties legitimately attributed to them and in accordance with the applicable provisions.

Likewise, some entities subcontracted by LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT may access the personal data and information as processors or sub-processors to provide LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT with a necessary service, as indicated in each of the purposes in the section Why do we process your personal data?”. These service providers sign a contract requiring them to use your personal information only for the provision of the services stated in this policy. 

What are your rights when you provide us your personal data?

We hereby inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, objection, erasure, portability, not to be subject to automated decision and limitation to processing or revoke your consent with LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT at any time.

What do your rights as a user consist of?

  • Right of access: you have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT processes your personal data, as well as to access such data.
  • Right of rectification: you can request inaccurate personal data to be modified or rectified.
  • Right of erasure: you can request your personal data to be deleted.
  • Right of limitation to processing: In certain circumstances, you can request the processing of your data to be limited, in which case, it will only be kept for the exercise or defence of claims.
  • Right of objection: you can object to the processing of your data for the purpose you specify. LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT will cease to process the data, except for compelling legitimate grounds, or for the exercise or defence of possible claims.
  • Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which may cause you legal effects or similarly significantly affects you.
  • Right of portability: if the Game allows for it, you can exercise the right of portability of your data, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable manner, and to transfer the data to another data controller. 

How do I exercise my rights?

By sending an email to Exercising your rights is completely free of charge.

Likewise, you may revoke the consent or object to the legitimate interest at any time; by following the procedure set out in any of the communications you receive, through the Subscription Centre found on the Game’s menu, or by sending an email to:  

Revoking the consent provided or object to any purpose will not affect your use of the Game or the legality of the processing based on said consent prior to its withdrawal. 

On the other hand, if you have signed up for the Game through social media, you can exercise your right to erase your data. Please see the conditions for each service for more information:

  • Google:  
  • Apple:  

Also, you can request the cancellation and erase your account directly by enter into the section “Settings”.

Finally, if you believe that you failed to obtain satisfaction in the exercise of your rights or that LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT has not processed your personal data in accordance with data protection regulations, please don’t hesitate to contact LALIGA ENTERTAINMENT’s Data Protection Officer at or file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) through its website

Are there any limitations?

LALIGA hereby informs you that Game users must be at least 16 years old to use and sign up for the Game.